Professional Code of Conduct & Ethics for Bowen Students & Tutors
This policy is designed to protect members of the public, as well as the reputation of the College of Bowen Studies Ltd ("CBS"), as a professional and ethical Bowen training provider. In addition it aims to further build the reputation of the Bowen Technique and the Therapists who practice it, within the healthcare industry. Upon completion of Module 5, Newly qualified therapists will be entitled to use the “Bowen Code of Conduct & Ethics Compliance” logo on their marketing materials and website. CBS may unilaterally introduce, vary, remove or replace this policy at any time.
CBS require that all of our Tutors, Students and qualified Therapists (“representatives” of the Bowen Technique) conduct themselves according to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and behaviour when dealing with our clients, members of the public, medical professionals, tutors and fellow practitioners (whether Bowen or otherwise). This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, full compliance with all legal obligations.
The standards expected of all representatives include:
Legal Requirements
Compliance with all laws;
To work in a safe and compliant manner, and to observe all workplace health and safety rules and responsibilities;
To not share in any format, CBS training materials or resources with anyone else, including competitors of CBS, except with the CBS’s prior written consent, as this infringes copyright and/or trademark laws;
To not work while affected by use of prohibited drugs or alcohol;
Training Standards
In addition to their Bowen training, qualified therapists must be trained in ‘Red Flags’, hold a current ‘First Aid’ certificate, ensure that all their professional activities are covered by professional insurance, and maintain the necessary post-qualification training (PQT) and continuing professional development (CPD);
Therapists are encouraged to join Bowen Therapist Professional Associations and Practitioner Registers
Therapists must work within their area of qualification and competence, and refer cases responsibly;
Responsibility to Clients
To be honest, patient and fair in dealings with clients, treating them to the best of your ability, with integrity, courtesy and respect, referring on to other healthcare and/or medical practitioners when necessary;
Client confidentiality and trust; Do not share in any format, any personal details/information, or personal comments about clients or case studies to third parties, including photographic images and video’s, without the express permission of the individual involved;
Therapists must keep accurate and complete client records, and hold these in accordance with data protection laws;
Therapists must respond to client complaints promptly and courteously;
To dress for Bowen work in an appropriate manner and to ensure that appearance of both the therapist and the therapy room, is presentable, clean, neat and tidy wherever possible
To be honest and fair in dealings with co-workers, tutors and the general public, treating them with integrity, courtesy and respect. This includes emails, website and social media content;
Refrain from any discriminatory, bullying or harassing behaviour toward fellow students, co-workers, tutors, and the general public;
To not make any statements about CBS or Bowen on social media, or any other public platform, that may harm it’s reputation;
To not discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics including (but not limited to) sex, race, disability, pregnancy, age, marital status or sexual orientation;
Be inclusive. We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, colour, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
Be considerate. We depend on one other to be the best we can possibly be. Poor decisions may affect fellow students, clients, tutors and colleagues, as well as the reputation of Bowen. These consequences should be taken into account when making decisions.
Be respectful. Choose your words carefully. Always conduct yourself professionally. Be kind. Do not insult or put others down. Harassment and exclusionary behaviour aren't acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:
Repeated harassment. In general, if someone asks you to stop something, then stop. When disagreements arise, try to understand why. Where differences of opinion and disagreements are unavoidable, the aim should be to resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Focus on resolving issues, learning from mistakes, supporting one another and driving the reputation of Bowen therapy and CBS forward.
Reporting. Reporting any conduct of therapists or tutors, which is in breach of any of the above, or potentially in breach of any of the above, without delay.