Terms & Conditions for CBS Bowen Training Courses, Modules & Workshops

Your submission of a booking form and payment for any CBS training confirms your acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions:

Bookings and Payment:

  1. Course bookings are made on a first-come first-served basis
  2. The cost of your course is as advertised when payment is made in full at the time of booking
  3. CBS reserves the right to increase course fees from time to time
  4. Your place is only ‘booked’ upon completion of online booking form and payment
  5. CBS reserves the right to decline admission to any level of teaching
  6. CBS reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule any courses. In such an event a transfer of fees to another course or full refund will be available
  7. The course organisers are not responsible for refunding any personal travel expenses, hotel reservations etc. Please ensure you obtain the necessary travel insurance at the time of booking, where applicable
  8. Should you wish to cancel your booking, then the following terms apply:
  9. Cancellations must be received by email
  10. Payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable unless we are able to fill your place
  11. We recommend taking out appropriate Insurance to cover loss of course fees in the event of sickness etc.
  12. A ‘Payment Plan’ may be available at the discretion of the Tutor. Late payments will be subject to the terms outlined herein.
  13. Your place is not guaranteed if your payment has not been received in advance of the course*. The Tutor has the right to turn you away if you then attend and the course is full.
  14. CBS accepts no responsibility for payments made to external CPD and/or workshop providers. All bookings, payments and cancellations should be made directly to the workshop provider.
  15. This does not affect your Statutory Rights


  1. If you have started but are unable to complete a Module due to illness or circumstances beyond your control, then the Tutor may offer a range of options to enable you to complete the work you have missed. Depending upon the circumstances, this may incur an additional fee – for example one-to-one training with the Tutor or repeating a Module. Some of these options may result in you being unable to remain with the same student group or Tutor. Should this occur then please contact your Tutor for details.
  2. Whenever possible your Tutor will try and accommodate any start, finish and lunch timing requests, however this is not always achievable due to the quantity of work which needs to be covered. The Tutor reserves the right to begin teaching at the scheduled time. Students arriving late to class may therefore miss some of the course work and will need to catch up in their own time. If catching up involves one-to-one time with the Tutor, then this may incur an additional fee. Should this occur then please contact your Tutor for advice.
  3. The maximum spacing between hands-on Modules is 12 months. After this time the previous hands-on Module must be re-taken. Previous hands-on Modules can be re-taken at a reduced rate. Please contact speak to your Tutor for details.
  4. All qualified therapists are welcome to attend the first two days of Module 5, as a CPD workshop at a reduced rate. Please see the website or contact your Tutor for bookings and costs.

Behaviour and Complaints:

  1. Student welfare is paramount. CBS aims to create a vibrant, safe learning environment treating all Students equally with both dignity and respect, irrespective of age, ability, gender or nationality.
  2. Any Student behaving in a manner deemed by the Tutor to be inappropriate, abusive or threatening will be asked to leave the course immediately pending further investigation.
  3. In the event of a complaint, you should contact your Tutor in the first instance. If you feel unable or it is not possible to do this, then please contact directors@collegeofbowenstudies.uk.
  4. External training providers are carefully selected to provide you with a quality workshop. In the event of a complaint, please contact the workshop Tutor in the first instance. If you feel unable or it is not possible to do this, or your complaint is unresolved then please contact either Jo Wortley, Colin Murray or CBS Head Office Directly – contact details are available on the website.

*unless agreed in advance, in writing with your Tutor

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