15 February 2024
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The real news in the Bowen world this week is the huge progress the College of Bowen Studies Ltd is making in bringing together the country’s best Bowen Teachers to ensure you all have access to world class CPD training.
We are also bringing you teachers from other related therapies, and we are delighted to announce that our latest confirmed CPD partner is the world famous Gil Hedley, a man who requires very little by way of introduction.
Our CPD page now has workshops covering a wide variety of Bowen and other closely related training. New workshops will be added regularly so please keep an eye on our social media and the website for regular updates. Our primary goal is to create world class Bowen Therapists who have the skills to create real change in their client’s lives.
Our 2024 practitioner training is starting very soon with Module 1's in Glasgow, Warrington and Forest of Dean. Students can now book online for these modules.
We are excited to be launching our brand new teaching content which includes fully updated manuals, online videos, theory and a brand new student portal.
We have launched a brand new Red Flags webinar on the CPD section of our website. We had this webinar created specifically for you by a medical professional. It includes downloadable posters that you can print and put in your clinic for quick reference. You can use discount code RFCBS24 until the end of February to receive a 25% discount.
We have recently created a FREE Professional Code of Conduct & Ethics on our CPD page. By adhering to this Code you are entitled to use the Code of Conduct & Ethics logo on your website and marketing materials. We highly recommend this to every Bowen Therapist so that we can continue to raise our standards and professional standing in the Complementary Therapy community.
Our news page is updated regularly with articles written by Therapists, Industry Experts and Tutors.
If you have an interesting Bowen story, research or a specific area of interest, please submit your article to us at info@collegeofbowenstudies.co.uk
The College of Bowen Studies and the current logo, was incorporated in August 2019. This means it is a Limited company, registered with Companies House as you can see here.
As a registered Limited Company, it is a legal entity in its own right and cannot ever be a person. It has Directors and Shareholders.
The current Directors are Jo Wortley and Colin Murray. They have been Directors at the College of Bowen Studies Ltd since it was formed in 2019 and were fundamental to it’s success despite the challenges of Covid. Julian resigned as a Director and Shareholder in May 2023, to pursue other Bowen-related work, and we wish him every success with this.
Jo and Colin have continued their work within the college, and since this time it has gone from strength to strength, collaborating and creating not only a college, but a community that finally brings Bowen Tutors and Practitioners together from all training schools. This is something we are immensely proud of, and feel that this takes Bowen a step closer to getting the recognition it deserves.
Please be assured that everything we are doing is aimed at benefiting Bowen and its practitioners, and are very much open to your feedback and suggestions. We have been overwhelmed with the support and excitement that this is generating already, and can’t wait to share the next part of the Bowen journey with you!
Please note that our email addresses have been updated
To keep up to date with new CPD workshops and all the exciting new developments please follow us on our social media channels.
Warm regards,
Jo & Colin
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