Neurological Assessments & Tools for Bowen - Part 1

Neurological Assessments & Tools, Module 1: Hands-On CPD £290

In this two day course you will learn what Manual Muscle Testing is, and how to perform it. 

You will learn about testing different muscle groups in the body, including the lower back, knees, ankles, neck and shoulders, to find out where their pain is and what the root cause may be. 

We will dive deep into a person’s neurology, to understand what is going on when a person is in pain, and what you can do as a therapist, to get them out of it. 

You will learn what ‘pain’ is in terms of neurology, and how to talk to our clients about it. 

Lastly, you will learn how to effectively apply Bowen to your findings using Manual Muscle Testing, taking the guess work out, saving you and your client precious time. 

Upcoming Course Dates

1 Mar 2025Jun ChowBury St Edmunds, Suffolk
24 May 2025Jun ChowStaplegrove VH, Taunton
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