In this two day course you will learn to build your skillset surrounding muscle testing.
You will learn to identify common mistakes in your muscle testing, as well as your clients’ when being performed on.
We will then learn about two new neurological tools - Double Stim & Triple Stim. These new tools are designed to help you determine whether the dysfunction is relevant to their symptoms.
You will learn how to find Primary Priority Dysfunction (PP). This is the problem sitting at the top of a dysfunctional chain. Finding this is crucial in pain relief.
With these tools you will increase your chance of finding the root cause of someone’s problem! For example, when a hamstring tendon is tight, is it a nociceptive problem around the sitting bone? Or is it the coccyx? Finding the root cause saves you time and increase your effectiveness.
Lastly, you will learn about the amygdalae! The centres of the brain that stores emotions. You will have an understanding of how emotions can increase pain intensity, as well as how you may help guide your clients on their recovery journey.
You MUST have attended Part 1 before signing up to this course!
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